"Yup..Dontella is Monday,Versace tuesday,Dolca and Gabbana is Wednesday, Donna Karan is Thursday and wrapping up fashion week is Tommy Hilfiger" Catie said checking her palm pilot,"I have tickets for all of us to go to all the shows"
"Awesome" Stevanne said
"I doubt if i can go" I said
"Why?!" Cate said
"I don't have time to shower..let alone go to the best parties in town" I said
"Well if you change your mind..i'll hold on to your ticket for the time being" Catie said
I was at home now, attempting to wrestle Olivia into her pj's when Blake came in
"OLIVIA MACKENZIE." I yelled as she got away from me for the thousandth time,"IT'S BEDTIME!"
"Having trouble?" Blake said chuckling
"Shut up and get your daughter into her PJs" I said annoyed
"What's your problem?" He asked catching Olivia as she ran through the kitchen
"I want to go to Fashion week with my friends " I said
"What the Hell is fashion week?" He stopped struggling to get Olivia into her shirt and looked at me
"It's when all the important designers show the new fall line for clothes and it's a huge deal" I said
"So go" He said
"I can go?, you'll be ok watching the kids all day?" I said walking back into Olivia's room
"You're coming home at night right? I think i can manage beside Michelle is down the street and Mrs.Gregson is around the corner..don't worry go.. have fun.don't buy clothes that cost more than the house ok?" He said before he sat down and read Olivia a book.
I was surprised ..this was from the same guy who although we have fraternal twins..couldn't tell one from the other considering one has red hair..
But who am i to argue with my husband?..who just said i could buy clothes and a lot of clothes which i fully intended to do. I called Catie and told her I'd meet her there
Now what was i going to wear?. Hmm....
Usually, i love taking care of kids..especially my own...but when Nikki left to go to the fashion show, all hell broke loose.
"NO NO I WON'T NO NO NO!" Lennon screamed
She was screaming because i told her to eat her brussell sprouts
"Come Len, please?" I asked again
"NO NO NOOOOOOOOOO!" It sounded like i was murdering her
"LENNON! EAT YOUR BRUSSELL SPROUTS!" I tried being tough with her
Lennon stop screaming long enough to shoot me a have-you-lost-your-damn-mind look? and started screaming again
"That's it!" I stood up, picked her up and carried her into her room "Now you stay there!" I slammed the door behind me
Outside of her room, I realize i'd done exactly want Lennon wanted, she pissed me off enough so i'd take her to her room and she wouldn't have to eat the brussell sprouts..
"DADDY" i heard Olivia call
"Coming baby.." I said then walked back into the kitchen where Olivia, who'd eaten her brussells sprouts was now eating Cheerios
"Daddy..i can't breath through my nose" She said sitting at the kitchen table
"Do you feel sick?" I said kneeling down
"No but the cheerio in my nose is blocking things up" She said clawing at her nose
"What a second..you have a cheerio up your nose?" I said taking her hands off her nose
"Yup" She said smiling
"Oh god.. " I said running to the drawing..grabbing the tiny flashlight nikki keeps just in case and looked up Olivia's nose..yup and it was shoved up there pretty good..
"Ok..we're gonna go vist the doctor" I said
"NO SHOTS" Olivia started crying
"Oh no shots honey..he's just gonna get that cheerio right out and afterwards..we're gonna get ice cream!" I tried to make it as cheerful as possible..
"Are you sure no shots?" She said squinting her eyes
"Positive, Now go get your jacket" I said then ran to get Lennon
Lennon must have sensed i was freaking out because she came right out.. I got the twins into their car seats..Eva screamed while Lily slept but we made it to the doctor's' office in one piece
When we got the doctor's office, I put the twins in their stroller,picked up Olivia and ran with Lennon behind me
"I need to speak to a doctor immediately!" I said panting
"Whoa! is someone bleeding?" The nurse said jumping up
"No, my daughter has an obstruction in her nose" I said catching my breath
"What?" The Nurse asked
"I got a cheerio up my nose!" Olivia said proudly
"is my daughter going to need rhino-plasty?" I asked nervously
"for a cheerio?" The nurse looked me like i was an idiot,"Come with me" She took Olivia by the hand and brought her into an exam room
Waiting nearly killed me..i got Lennon some juice and paced up and down the hallway it almost felt like the night Olivia was born....
Althought we weren't even sure we could have anymore kids after the accident, we only tried once and BINGO. Nikki was pregnant, this time thought, I wouldn't let her out of my sight, every so often when she would moan or make a weird sound, i would panic and want to run to the emergency,it got to the point Nikki refused to be any room with me because i was driving her nuts or so she bitched
It was early October and the baby wasn't due for another four weeks, I was in the process of cleaning out the spare room and dragging Lennon's old crib up from the cellar, We'd bought Lennon a big girl bed soon after we found out we were pregnant, I'd shoved the crib in the basement and forgot about it until Nikki threw a fit and said it needed to be done before the baby graduates from High school.
John and I were in the process of lugging the crib up the stairs when Nikki called from the laundry room where she was washing Lennon's old baby clothes
"BLAKE" She yelled
"WHAT?" i yelled back
"IT'S TIME!" she yelled
"TIME FOR WHAT? LUNCH? THANK GOD..I'M STARVING!" I yelled over the railing
"NO..TIME FOR THE BABY" She yelled
"Oh, she's having the baby" I said to John before realizing what she'd said,"Oh my god she's having the baby" I dropped the crib and ran down the stairs
"Sorry!" I yelled
"I HATE TO SEE WHAT YOU'D DO IF SHE HAD SIX WEEKS TO LIVE!"He yelled limping down the stairs
"Nikki,Baby?" I said at the bottom of the stairs
"Ok forget the cutesy nicknames, we need to get to a hospital" She gripping the edge of the washing machine
I half guided, half shoved her up the stairs and we got to the car before i remembered something or rather someone..
I ran back and found John standing over the kitchen sink putting his foot in the sink that was filled with ice
"John!" I said startling him
"Oh you again, i thought you left to have a baby?" he saracastically
"Wanna me to break the other one?" I threatned,"Watch Lennon..will ya?" I said
"Of course, I was going to bring her to my house to play with Keith" He said wincing in pain
"Great..thanks bye!" I ran out the door
"What the hell was that about?" Nikki demanded
"Lennon" I explained
"Ah" Nikki nodded
"Almost there!" I said
"WRONG WAY!" Nikki yelled
"Yikes right. sorry!" I turned around and We screeched up to the entrance of the hospital
Harpo,Chico and Groucho Marx came out and whisked Nikki up to Maternity
After i filled out the paperwork, i ran up to the maternity ward and tried to find Nikki
"HEY!" i said stopping a nurse,"I'm trying to find my wife..Nicole Capone"
"Oh she's already pushing..I'm afraid you can't go in there" The nurse said apologizing
"What?" I couldn't believe it
"I'm sorry" She said then turned around and walked back into a delivery room
I paced back and forth..i almost wore out the tile on the floor..i hadn't been this nervous since Lennon was born
"Mr. Reef?" A nurse called
"Yes" I said practically running over to the nurse
"I have someone for you to meet" The nurse said holding a baby wrapped in a purple blanket
"Is this?" I was stunned
"Yes this is your daughter" The Nurse said putting her in my arms
She was so beautiful,with her head full of dark hair and her long legs..I instantly fell in love..
"How is my wife?" I asked
"She's wonderful, but she's asleep right now" The nurse said smiling
"Has she picked a name yet?" I asked
"Yes .I believe Carrie Anne?" The nurse
"Have you written out the birth certificate yet?" I said looking at my daughter
"No why?" The nurse looked confuse
"I want to surprise my wife..Can you change it so her name will be Olivia Mackenzie?" I said
"Alright" The Nurse said then walked away
"Mr.Reef?" A Nurse said snapping me out of my daydream
"Yes.My daughter?" I asked nervously
"She's Ok..the Doctor removed the Cheerio,she'll have a swelling of the nose for a few days but she should be fine. The Doctor advises that she shouldn't put more foreign objects up her nose" The nurse said walking away
"Wait..where's my kid?" I asked noticing Olivia wasn't with her
"Well, she passed out once she saw the needle we had to use to sedate her" The nurse
"You had to sedate my kid?" I couldn't believe this
"Well she wouldn't stop screaming and we need her to close her mouth and we gave her a little shot and once she saw the needle she was out" The Nurse laughing a little
"When can I take her home?" I asked slightly more than above pissed
"In a few hours" The nurse went back to the nurse's station
I picked Lennon, who'd fallen asleep in the chairs and pushed the twins in the carriage into the room where Olivia was and just watched her sleep.
"Daddy" A little voice said waking me up
"Hi baby" I said rubbing my eyes
"You lied to me" She said crossly
"I know baby and I'm sorry:" I pouted,"I'll make you a deal though"
"What kinda deal?" She asked
"I promise no more shots if you promise not to stick any more cheerios up your nose" I said
"Deal" She said,"Daddy..i wanna go home"
"Ok let's get you out of here" I kissed her on the head and went out to the nurses station.
I had a great time at the fashion show and found some amazing buys, a gucci purse and a versace suede jacket, I hadn't had that much fun in a long time...
I knew something was wrong the moment i walked through the door because as soon as my key hit the hole, i heard screamings lots of screaming
"NO NO NO NO!!" I heard lennon shouting and the twins crying
"DADDDY!!!" Olivia screamed
"WHEN IS MOMMY COMING HOME!" I heard my husband yell
I rolled my eyes, got the twins into the playpen.. picked up Olivia and was chasing Lennon around the kitchen
"NO BATH NO BATH BATH NO NO BATH!" Kid has got a set of lungs on her that would make a train stop short
"GET INTO THE TUB NOW!" I usually hate yelling at my kids but when it does happen..it's like hell on earth
"NO!" She let out one final scream
"SHE WON'T LISTEN TO ME!" He yelled back,"THAT'S IT!"
He put Lennon under his arm and went into the bathroom,slammed the door and somehow got her to take a bath
"Hi Mommy" Olivia said
"Hi Honey" I said not really looking at her
"My nose hurts" She said
"Why?" I said finally looking and seeing her usually button nose was the size of my fist," What happened to your nose?"
"Doctor had to open it up!" She said
"What?" I said stopping short
"Yup..down now please!"I put her down
I practically ran to the bathroom and pounded on the door
"What happened to Olivia's nose?" I demanded
"Your DAUGHTER shoved a cheerio up her nose and the doctor's had to remove it" He said toweling off Lennon
"How did she get a cheerio up her nose? Weren't you watch her?!" I couldn't believe it
"Excuse me..did you go out and have fun.. I've been stuck in hell all day and that's all you say is why wasn't i watching her?" He was getting angry
"What is your problem?" I asked
"MY PROBLEM.. i wanted sons..i got daughters.. one won't stop screaming,one keeps shoving objects up her nose, I can't tell which twin is which!" He said chasing after Lennon, who'd, during our fight, had managed to run through the house naked shrieking at the top of her lungs,"THAT'S IT!" he said finally catching her and then he shoved her toward my arms
"What's it?" I asked getting annoyed because my wet child was runing a very expensive jacket
"I'm done for the day ..Mr.Mom is going out and getting drunk" He said grabbing his keys then slamming the door
I managed to wrestle Lennon into bed..who ever said the terrible twos ended at two obviously never dealt with my kids.. I put an ice pack on Olivia's nose and promised her ice cream if she kept it on for more than 5 seconds, The twins were easier, a diaper change and bottle and they were out like lights.
I waited for Blake to come home ..
He finally did around 2 am..I heard him trip over the couch and swear
"Honest to god..if you wake up the girls..your gonna be spending the night in Central Park" I said when he came into our room
"Don't start!" He said
"Don't start..you storm out of here..i don't even get so much as a phone call..and you tell me not to start that's rich.." I was getting so angry
"Look my nagging wife..i'm sorry i didn't call but i needed to blow off steam" He said climbing into bed
"Go sleep on the couch!" I said
"What?" He asked with his face in pillow
"GO!" i ordered
"Ugh..fine " He took a pillow and stomped off
Blake and I hadn't said too much to one another after that night because we are two stubborn people who refused to apologize to one another
I went to dinner with the girls, i had left the girls (my little ones) with a babysitter because I figured we both could use a night out apart and away from our children...
"Hi!!" I said dashing into the restaurant
"HEY!" They all yelled together
"What did i miss?" I asked
"Well, Catie was talking about how she just got the Chanel account and has to fly to Italy tomorrow, Gina was just telling us about Gracie's dance recital. Stevanne here was freaking over the fact she spilled Ice coffee on her shirt and Annie was wondering When you'd get here" Dina said opening her menu
"Groovy" I said
"So what's going on with you? still fighting with your hubby..?" Catie said
"Yes" I said
"It's been days... shouldn't you be over this by now?" Gina asked
"No besides it's just not about the kids ..it's other stuff too" I said
"Like what?" Rachel asked
"It's been awhile since we..ya know" I was so embrassed
"Ah" Annie nodded
"Since they did what?" Michelle asked
"Since they rocked each other's world" Stevanne explained
"STEVANNE" i was blushing like mad
"It's true!" Stevanne insisted
"Oh wow" Michelle said
"Can you.... i mean are you allowed to after your C-section?" Gina asked
"The doctor said six weeks but i feel good now ..well not good now that we're ready to kill each other .. and with four kids under the age of 5 we're never alone beside I don't want get pregnant again..ugh.. it's so frustrating " I said biting into a breadstick
"I got it.. We'll take the girls for the weekend and you and Blake can go on vacation" Annie offered
"You're gonna take my girls for the weekend?' I was glad Annie offered but She can't handle one kid..let alone four
"Yeah why not?" Annie said
"Because the one time you babysat for me, Lennon got her head stuck in a railing and Olivia got stuck in the toy box" I said
"Well that was then this is now.. I can do it" Annie said
"We'll help her" Gina said
"Alright.. but the moment it gets hairy..i'm coming back" I said ..
I went home and told Blake about our min-vacation
"Your going to let Annie babysit our children?" He was sitting on the couch holding Eva when i told him this
"Yeah why not?" I said pacing back and forth with Lily
"Hello?!! with two infants and two toddlers..it's too much for us..let alone a hyperactive 30 year old woman who's boy crazy!" He said reaching for a pacifier
"True but she's not the only one who'll be watching the girls ..Gina and Stevanne are going to stay with them as well"
"Alright.. I'll go..where do you want to go?" He asked
"How about the Cape?" I said switching Lily from one hip to the other
"Alright.. Did you hear that, Eva.. Mommy wants a vacation so bad she's willing to put your sisters at risk.. yess!" He said to her
I picked one of Lennon's blocks and threw it at his head
We were trying to packand get everything organized before The girls (the big ones) come over
"DID YOU PACK MY SUNSCREEN?" Blake yelled from the kitchen
"YEAH DID YOU FIND MY SUNGLASSES" I called from Lennon's room
"YEAH..IN THE COOKIE JAR!" He yelled back
ding dong!"
"DOORBELL!" I yelled
"I'M NOT DEAF..I GOT IT " he called
"Hi!!" I heard Gina and Stevanne's voices
"Hey girls" Blake said kissing each of them,"Where's Annie?"
"Right here!" Annie said coming up behind them
"Awesome" Blake said then headed back into the kitchen
"Where's Nikki?" Annie asked
"Right here" I said bring Lennon and Eva into the kitchen
"Hi girls!" Stevanne said
"Hiya" Lennon said sticking her fingers in her mouth
"Where are Olivia and Lily?" Annie asked pulling Lennon into her lap
"Asleep..Ok so a few things you need to know.. Olivia is allergic to strawberries and i mean deathly allergic..i don't even keep strawberry poptarts in the house, Lennon is going through her stubborn streak and will scream..ignore the screams and make her do it anyway" I went through the list
"Don't forget Eva's colicky and Lily has a tendency to spit up We're talking Linda Blair spit up " Blake finished for me
"Are you rasing children or demons" Stevanne said taking Eva from my arms
"Haha" I said
"Nik Honey..come on we gotta go" Blake said kissing the little ones then bringing the suitcases to the car..
"I know i'll be right there" I went around and kissed everyone goodbye and ran out the door before i started crying
I thought Nikki would never leave!! Don't get me wrong, i love her dearly but she must have run back and forth from the car to the house kissing the kids a thousand times before Blake picked up over his shoulder like tarzan and took her to the car..
"Alright so what should we do now?" Gina asked
"I don't know.." I shrugged
"I was talking to Lennon" She said rolling her eyes then kneeling down" Lennon what do you wanna do?"
"I wanna play hide and seek!" Lennon said jumping up and down
"Ok but let's go get your sisters up first ok?!" Gina said
"Yeah Ok" Lennon went into the living room and put on the TV
"Wow..stubborn kid" Stevanne remarked
"Well you do know who her mother is right? Queen of stubborn?" I said
"Hey let's not talk about her while she's not here, besides she's problably got this place rigged with camera's to catch us screwing off"Gina said
Just then Eva started crying
"I'll go..which twin is that again?" Stevanne said
"It's Eva..I'll go" Gina said
Stevanne went to go find Lennon and Annie went to check on Olivia.
Soon all the girls were up and outside playing hide and seek
"YOUR IT!" Stevanne yelled
"NO! YOUR IT" Lennon yelled
"YOUR BOTH WRONG!" Gina yelled "I'M IT!"
"Who's that?" Annie said without turning around
"DADDY!" Lennon shouted then running toward John
"It's john" Stevanne said
"Oh" Annie said
"Hey munchkin..what's going on?" He said picking her up
"Playing hide and go seek and Auntie Gina's it" Lennon said playing with the gold necklace around John's neck
"Oh that's good, Where's mommy?" John asked
"She went on a mini vacation with Blake " Annie explained
"And she left you three in charge of four small children?, she must be sleep deprieved" John
"John, what exactly is it that you want?" Gina said wanting to explode
"I came to see if my favorite girl wants to go to Coney island!" John said
"YEAH YEAH!" Lennon yelled
"I don't think that's a good idea, it's too late and beside i think Nik wanted the girls home this weekend" Annie said
"You suck" Lennon said
"LENNON!" all four shouted at the same time
"I can't believe she just said that" Stevanne said trying not laugh
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